Månadsarkiv: mars 2012

March 2012 First Disa to flower

Disa Elwesii ”Select” Disa Elwesi , a hybrid  betwen two primary hybrids. This is a selected clone. Approx.35 cm high.

Publicerat i Odling, Cultivation | Lämna en kommentar


Some useful links related to Disagrowing. As information about Disa is rather scarce on internet, and some of the very good sites are not regularly uppdated of reasons not known to me. I  have tried to collect what I found … Fortsätt läsa

Publicerat i Odling, Cultivation | Lämna en kommentar

Growing Orchids and Disas in Horsemanure

  The first Disa spikes are just about to open,the first one this year will be Disa Elwesii.Först att blomma i år är Disa  Elwesii Read about Growing Disa  and other orchids  i horsemanure. Läs mer om att odla Disa och … Fortsätt läsa

Publicerat i Odling, Cultivation | Lämna en kommentar